  TITLE = {{Rendre visible les impacts des pesticides du soja : contributions et limites d'un observatoire de science citoyenne {\`a} Santar{\'e}m, Amazonie br{\'e}silienne}},
  AUTHOR = {Coudel, Emilie and Nasuti, St{\'e}phanie and Silva, Danielle Wagner and Bonnet, Marie-Paule and Piva, Mariana and Santos, Beatriz Abreu Dos and Folhes, Ricardo and Bonnal, Vincent and Fechine, Val{\'e}ria and Lima, Denise and Passos, Carlos Jos{\'e} Sousa and Schwamborn, Txai Mitt and Nakamura, Ione and Moura, Gracivane Rodrigues De},
  URL = {https://univ-montpellier3-paul-valery.hal.science/hal-03849730},
  JOURNAL = {{VertigO : La revue {\'e}lectronique en sciences de l'environnement}},
  PUBLISHER = {{VertigO}},
  NUMBER = {Volume 21 num{\'e}ro 3},
  YEAR = {2021},
  MONTH = Dec,
  DOI = {10.4000/vertigo.33716},
  PDF = {https://univ-montpellier3-paul-valery.hal.science/hal-03849730v1/file/Coudel%2520et%2520al%25202021%2520Vertigo%2520Pesticides.pdf},
  HAL_ID = {hal-03849730},
  HAL_VERSION = {v1},